Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Facets of Medieval Period

Kingdoms in the Beginning of the Medieval Times
The middle times history began in 500 CE, when development was started in society. The government of this society was very strong during that time. The kingdom was very powerful, and there was a harmony in society. The warriors often carried swords, which were made up of steel and their edges were much sharpened.

There were a number of salient features, which were popular during that period. For instance, you were able to find the clothing of different styles. The upper class people always looked in distinct styles, in the middle ages, which were different from the modern era. At that time, the rich people would always wear the nice dresses, and they looked like real gentlemen. That clothing was often made up of woolen fabrics.

Peasants had their own styles. Peasants were labor-class farmers who always worked in fields. They also used to wear the woolen shoes in a field while cultivation of crops.

These medieval dresses became the fashion-statements for the people of the modern times.

Festivals and Entertainment
They also had many festivals where all the rich and poor people would enjoy together, and special forms of events were organized at that particular time like dancing, juggling and drinking. http://www.themiddleages.co.uk/ is great website for demonstration of medieval's time fashion, costumes and festivals. The tournaments were also organized in the middle ages, which were also a type of entertainment. There had been the variety of games at that particular period. Horse riding was one of the most popular frolics during that era. Music was an important part of the medieval society. They had professional musicians who travelled from one place to another. On the other hand, the upper-class people would like to be in the drinking moods, in some particular events.  There was also a theater in the medieval era for the enjoyment of the people.

Art and Craft
The crafts of the medieval ages were very nice and their styles inspired by the genres like gothic and byzantine. The medieval art is perfectly reflected in architecture in churches and castles.

Inspired by Greeks and Romans, various medieval people were well-versed in the medicines. The infections related troubles were difficult to detect.

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