Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The System of Medieval Cathedrals in Churches

The System of Medieval Cathedrals in Churches

In the medieval era, church was a prominent body in Europe, which would take the decision in significant aspects of the society. In various parts of the continent in the early medieval era, it had the responsibility to educate people. Quite obviously, the need of proper governance of the churches was felt. A new system came in existence, which was known as the cathedral. The cathedral was a seat in the church, which was the chair of a bishop. This bishop had the governance of a diocese for the purpose of teaching and preaching. Authority or apostolic succession was represented by the cathedral. Its prominent tasks included welcoming the new bishops, ordination, Chrim Mass and diocesan celebration.

Cathedrals in the middle ages usually belonged to the religious sections of the society. During the early middle ages, the religious seats were in the limelight. But, a lot of change was witnessed in the late medieval era. Some secular cathedrals also came in the existence. Such chairs had the posts like dean, precentor, chancellor and treasurer.

Ten monks would work under the dean. His purpose was supplying the place of the provost in the internal management of the church, as well as the internal management of the chapter. Dean had the responsibility to lead every secular church in England. He was elected by the chapter. Bishop used to approve the dean. The dean also had the charge of performance of the services in the principal festivals. He would sit on the chief stall in the choir.
The position of precentor would come next to dean. He had the special duty of regulating the musical part of the services. The things were controlled by the precentor in the absences of dean. He took the corresponding stall in the left side, in such a situation. Some exceptions also existed such as in places like St. Paul. Archdeacon has the second place instead of precentor at these places.

The third person in the ranking was chancellor (not to be confused with the chancellor of the diocese). He had the charge the oversight of its education centers. The divinity lectures were read by him. Besides, he also had to superintend the lections of the choir. He also had some other responsibilities. One of his responsibilities was correcting the reader in case if something was going on wrong. Moreover, he was also a librarian and the secretary. He would act as president if the dean or precentor would be absent. He had to handle the easternmost stall, which was on the side of the choir of the dean.

The treasurer was the fourth person, whose responsibility was to manage clothing, ornaments and furniture of the church. Besides, he also had a duty to provide bread and wine for Eucharist. The matters like ringing the bells were also regulated by the treasure. His stall used to be opposite to the chancellor.

This trend continued in the later ages also, and you can find it in some forms in the modern times also. Like medieval clothes, culture, sculptures and paintings etc., it is also one of the best aspects that old age societies have given to us.

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